Thursday, December 08, 2011

Aileen Stewart Is My Guest on Monday December 12!

Introducing Aileen

Although she holds a degree in Business Administration and a certificate in Sales/Marketing, Aileen Stewart chose to become a stay at home mom. It was during those early years while watching cartoons with her daughter Emily that she noticed most of what they watched was based on books. This was the spark that re-ignited her passion to write and led to her book Fern Valley – A Collection of Short Stories. Aileen loves to show her creative side in her many other endeavors like amateur photography, cooking, sewing, and the children’s display case which she is in charge of at her local library.

Fern Valley- A Collection of Short Stories

Fern Valley is home to a group of wonderful animals who have fun and face some of the same problems children everywhere do. Roberta and Mildred Cornstalk are creative chickens dealing with the loss of their beloved granny, and they’re looking for something to do to cheer them up. Want to know what adventures they find? Want to know what happens to Roberta and Mildred’s brother, Edward, when he goes fishing, what birthday surprise is in store for Betsy Woolrich, or what lesson Kimmy Curlytail learns when she keeps something that isn’t hers? Then follow this endearing cast of characters as they enjoy their time together and learn important lessons.

1 comment:

Dellani Oakes said...

After talking to Aileen today, I wanna go to Fern Valley!!

Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...