Sunday, April 19, 2015

ABC Challenge S: April 19, 2015 Shakazhan

Shakazhan is book 2 in my Lone Wolf Series. Having traveled out of the known galaxy into another that doesn't even remotely resemble their own, the crews of Hannibal and Flotilla are orbiting the mystical and legendary planet Iyundo, when it something goes horribly wrong.

Hannibal 1350 GMT

Ben sat in his ready room, feet on the desk, cap over his eyes. Something woke him and he stood quickly, fully alert, listening. Had someone called his name? Suddenly, he grew dizzy. The walls swirled together, the floor gaped threatening to drag him under and he felt a great sweep of fear as if a million voices had suddenly cried out in terror!
Vertigo overcame him and he dropped to the floor on his hands and knees, gagging and vomiting. His vision cleared and his ears stopped ringing. Small cleaning bots scuttled around him, vacuuming up the mess. His door buzzed insistently. Calling feebly, he allowed entry.
His eyes flickered open and he saw the worried and bewildered face of Ray Schmidt. "Ben? You look like hell, buddy, what's wrong? I heard you yell and then nothing."
Ben saw two Rays for a moment, then realized it was Ray and Aisulov's personal physician standing over him. Dr. Stan looked even more concerned than Ray, something Ben didn't think was possible. He tried to sit up. A fresh wave of nausea gripped him, threatening to cut loose.
"I'm fine, really I am."
Ray pushed him none too gently back onto the floor. "Like hell you are. Do you realize it's been ten minutes since I walked in here and you've been out cold the entire time? Ben, what the hell is going on?"
Ben tried to speak, but his voice caught in his throat. The doctor handed him a glass of cool water. He sipped with caution, fearing another vomiting episode. However, it didn't seem to disagree with him, so he drank a bit more, very slowly.
"Kind of hard to explain."
Ray looked annoyed. He always looked like that when he was worried. God knows, over the years, Ben had been the cause often enough.
Ben started to nod, then decided not to. He hesitated, wondering the best way to describe what had happened. Slowly and with many pauses for questions, he told Ray and Dr. Stan what had transpired. Ray's frown deepened and the doctor looked more placid. Ben knew that look too. Stan always looked like that when he was about to diagnose. He let Ben finish.
"That explains a lot." Stan stood, head tilted sideways, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"A lot of what?"
"Explains why I had over thirty people fall down in a dead faint about the time you collapsed up here. Some sort of psychic upheaval has taken place. I'm guessing on planet, but can't confirm it, of course, without a report from the landing party. Some heavy shit is going down, Ben. I'll be back." He turned on his heel, trotting for the door.
"Where are you going, Stan?" Ray sounded angry.
"Going to cross reference the files of the people who collapsed. See how many of them tested positive for psyonics," he called the last as he ran down the corridor to Medical.
"I was coming to tell you something when all this went down." Ray hesitated, not knowing quite how to proceed.
"What, Ray? I haven't seen you look this worried since we got hit in the jungle on Viotempe."
Ray bit his thumb, frowning deeply. Not one for diplomacy, he couldn't find a sugar coated way to explain. "I don't know what happened or how, Ben. The entire planet disappeared."

© Dellani Oakes 2015

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...