Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Crash Into Me ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 27

"Try me and find out," he winked at her.

"Set myself up for that," she chuckled.

"You did. Hang on." He rapidly changed lanes, frowning.

"What's wrong?"

"Trouble, two cars up. See the red F-250 and the white Camry?"

She looked ahead, focusing on it. "Yeah. Shit, he pulled a gun."

"Truck or car?"

"Car. Waving it at the truck."

"Call highway patrol, speaker" he said clearly to his phone, which was on the dash. It rang and was quickly answered.

"Highway Patrol Dispatcher."

"Hi, Laura, Newton. We've got a situation southbound on the interstate, just past the Ridgeway exit." He described the situation.


"Moderate. My SWAT partner is with me. We can intercept."

"Please. My nearest officer is three minutes out."

"You got it. Buckle up," he said to Eilene. "You strapped?"

"Not yet."

"Spare in the glove box."

She yanked it open, checked the weapon, sliding in the magazine before racking the slide. Newton flipped a switch, starting lights and siren. Traffic melted out of their path as they approached their target.

The driver of the Toyota fired at the truck, hitting the passenger door. A woman next to him screamed, pulling at his arm. Both vehicles swerved wildly. The truck veered left, the car tried to follow, but Newton slid between them. Eilene's window rolled down automatically. She flashed her badge, raising her weapon.

By this time, they'd been joined by a patrol car, who pulled the truck over. Newton nudged at the Toyota, clearing a path for them with his siren. Another two patrol cars slowed traffic, funneling it through the center two lanes of the four lane road. Vests on, weapons drawn, Newton and Stafford approached the car from opposite sides.

The driver had dropped the gun on the ground by the car, and sat with his hands on the wheel. The woman screamed, hitting him with her fists. Newton picked up the gun, while Eilene made her way to the passenger's side.

"Turn off the car," Newton ordered. "Ma'am, are you hurt?"

"She's fine," the driver said as he turned off the car.

"No, I'm not fine! You dumb ass! What were you thinking? You stupid f**ker!" She hit him again.

Eilene opened the door and grabbed the woman, hauling her out. Newton kept them covered, as well as keeping an eye on the driver. The man hadn't moved, not even turning his head while the women were occupied.

"Stupid bitch said she wanted to run away with me," he grumbled.

"Who's in the truck?" Newton asked.

"Her old man."


"Husband. I'm her back door man."

"You dumb son-of-a-bitch! You were supposed to kill him. You no good mother-f**ker!"

"Denise, you stupid bitch! Shut up!" he yelled at her, without turning his head. "I brought the gun to scare him," he explained to Newton. "It wasn't even loaded. Only toothless, here, wanted him dead, and put bullets in it. Ain't no pussy worth killin' over. Am I right?"

The woman fought like crazy, scratching and clawing at Eilene.

"Little help! Bitch! I will end you if you punch my tit again." She slammed the woman against the car, taking the fight out of her.

Newton cuffed the woman and walked her to his car. She screamed as soon as he put her in the back seat. She tried to climb over the seat, but she was too fat.

"I did a bad thing," the driver said, sobbing. "I let my desire for a woman get the better of me." He was docile as Newton took him out of the car and cuffed him.

"But why her? You aren't a bad looking guy. Why a fat hag like that?" Eilene rubbed her breast where Denise had hit her.

The man looked chagrined. "My lust done me in. The things that woman can do with her tongue! They should be illegal."

"And probably are," Newton said as he searched the man.

"Can I say goodbye?" the man whimpered

The woman was screaming and trying to break the window with her bare feet.

"No f**king way," Newton replied.

A highway patrol car pulled up. "I hear you need transport."

"You can have the fun one." He nodded toward his car. "I'll hang onto this guy."

"Do you really hate me that much?" the officer asked after eyeing the woman. His face fell.

©2021 Dellani Oakes

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. "...