Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Glimpse at Stephanie Osborn

Here to tell us a little about herself is the amazingly talented Stephanie Osborn. Stephanie was recently a guest on my Blog Talk Radio show, What's Write for Me on June 22. (Link below)

Stephanie Osborn is a former payload flight controller, a veteran of

over twenty years of working in the civilian space program, as well as
various military space defense programs. She has worked on numerous
Space Shuttle flights and the International Space Station, and counts the
training of astronauts on her resumé. Of those astronauts she trained,
one was Kalpana Chawla, a member of the crew lost in the Columbia

She holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in four sciences:
Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, and she is “fluent” in
several more, including Geology and Anatomy. She obtained her various
degrees from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN and
Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.

Stephanie is currently retired from space work. She now happily
“passes it forward, ” teaching math and science via numerous media
including radio, podcasting, and public speaking, as well as working with SIGMA,
the science fiction think tank, while writing science fiction mysteries
based on her knowledge, experience, and travels.

Here's the link to my show:

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