Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Red River Radio Presents What's Write for Me with Christina Giguere, Karen Vaughan, JD Holiday, Marta Moran Bishop Wednesday, November 28, 2018

This is where I would usually introduce Christina Giguere, my faithful sidekick, but today, she's on as a guest, too, here to impart her knowledge of marketing and writing. When she’s not saving the day as a virtual assistant, Christina Giguere likes to write. Her alter ego, Rachel Rueben has a blog called: Writing By The Seat Of My Pants for self-published authors where she discusses publishing news and tips for indie authors.

Second in line is author and illustrator J.D. Holiday. JD has five books. Four children's books: Janoose The Goose, Janoose And The Fall Feather Fair, The Spy Game, and The Great Snowball Escapade. She has also penned collections of short stories for adults in Stories & Imaginings For The Reading Spot. Welcome, JD. JD has been a host with Red River Radio. Welcome, JD.

Our third guest is author and radio show host, Karen Vaughan. Karen started her literary journey in 2005 when she got the idea for what would become Dead on Arrival. She went on to write a series of novels staring her characters Laura and Gerry, as well as stand alone book, Dead Comic Standing. Karen hosts Writers Round Table the second Tuesday of each month. She teamed up with Viv Drewa in Owl & Pussycat Promotions, promoting independent authors. Welcome, Karen.

Our fourth guest is Marta Moran Bishop, who has co-authored books with her mother and grandmother, such as Keeping the Upper Paw, and penned a variety of poetry books, children's books including Wee Three, and a series of dystopian novels, starting with The Between Times. She has also been a host on the Red River Radio network. Welcome, Marta.

Finally, me. I don't tell much about myself in my usual introductions, because I, like other authors, I love to talk about writing and books, but have trouble tooting my own horn. Unfortunately, in marketing, you have to. I'm an author, mostly of romantic suspense, though I have published two historical romances, a variety of contemporary romance, as well as a retro romance, set in Nebraska in 1976. I've written over 100 novels, as yet unpublished, and am working on about 50 more. To check out some of my unpublished works, visit my website, where I post many of my books in serial form.

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