Thursday, May 26, 2016

Character Interview with Kris Hood of Room 103

What is your name?
I'm Kristopher Hood.

What do you want most?
Until today, I wanted to make money, live comfortably and continue to hope that Marice would take me seriously.

What's changed?
Marice finally said she loves me and we had some very high quality adult fun last night. A good time was had....

What makes you happy or sad?
Right now, I don't think I could be sad. I'm happier than I've ever been. The woman I love, loves me.

How do you treat the people in your life?
I'm a nice guy and I do my best to treat people well. Not one to lose my temper, but if I do, it's ugly.

Can people count on you?
Absolutely. I'd walk over hot coals if the right person asked. Luckily, no one has asked, cause ow! But the intent is there.

What makes you angry?
Seeing people mistreat one another makes me furious.

Do you stand up for your beliefs?
I do. Been known to join a protest or two. Almost been arrested a few times because of it. (But shh, don't tell Marice, she's da man!)

What excites you?
You sure you really want me to talk about that after last night?

What do you do for a living?
I have a small, but very successful, on-line sales business. I deal in toys, mostly—from adult to antique.

What kind of books do you like?
I'm a man for the classics. I own first editions of Moby Dick, Huck Finn, and many others. I've read them all, but I always buy a cheap paperback copy so I don't have to handle the antiques much.

What kind of music do you enjoy?
Great guitarists like Hendrix, Jonny Lang, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Warren Haynes.... How long an interview is this?

What's the one thing you'd most like to do before you die?
Excuse me for a Girl Moment (don't tell Mar I said that, okay?) I'd really like to marry Marice and start a family. My mother's about given up on me continuing the family line.

If you could, what's one thing you'd change about yourself?
I'd change how I've been with Marice all these years. I'd be more assertive and tell her how I feel before ten years passed. Kind of dropped the ball on that one. But she's armed and a crack shot. Pardon me for being a little apprehensive.

© 2016 Dellani Oakes

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