Monday, May 13, 2019

Red River Radio Presents Dellani's Tea Time with Gerald and Michael!

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Is it really May already? Wow! Here in Florida, it's already getting hot – such fun! (Not really) As folks flock to the beach, or start planning their vacations in the great outdoors, the most important decisions need to be made: What sunscreen to buy, which bikini to wear, and what book to read while you sizzle in the sun. With us here today, are two wonderful authors with great books to share.

Gerald Guy
First, alphabetically speaking, is Gerald L. Guy author of the Wolf Pack Trilogy – Chasing the Past, Dream Catchers and Act of Kindness. Welcome to the show, Gerald!

Michael Mastrella
Second is Michael Mastrella author of Children of the Light. Welcome to the show, Michael!

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...