Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Game Junkies ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes ~ Part 32

"Only one thing puts that goofy, happy assed look on a man's face—true love and good sex."

"Wasn't just good," Colby began. "And Avery would kill me if I said another word."

"Man's gotta brag a bit. You're way too proud of yourself, dude." He leaned close, whispering. "Did you make her scream?"

"Couple times. More than a couple...."

Jonas gave him his fist to bump, grinning at him.

"Oh, I need to change my address on the books. I moved in with Avery."

"Big changes this weekend!"

"We talked about doing it soon, but there were problems at my place, so decided to do it right away." He explained about the probable drug dealer.

"Man, that sucks, Colby. They are opening some places in my complex. One bedroom, new, very nice...."

"I can't afford that place, Jonas. Even with both Avery and me paying for it."

"Yearly reviews are coming up, Colby. I just got Twila's resignation letter effective almost immediately."

"No kidding, why?"

Twila was head of IT. It was Colby's area too, but she had seniority of a couple months on Colby. He worked as her assistant most of the time, though he did other jobs as well.

"Got herself knocked up and her soon-to-be hubby is taking a job in Orlando. She's got to pack up, plan a wedding, and move in less than a month. You want her job? You're doing it half the time anyway."


The new job came with a huge pay bump.

"No one else I'd rather put there, Colby. And with the new job, you could afford that new place...."

"Shit, Jonas, you talked me into it."

"Yes! Thank you. Effective immediately. She has Friday as her last day, so we'll give you the week to get acclimated." He smirked, snorting. "Like you need that long. I wish I had a dozen more just like you."

"I appreciate this, Jonas. Thanks." They were shaking hands as the first employee walked in.

When they had all gathered, including Twila, who was nearly 45 minutes late, Jonas made the announcement. Each of his co-workers congratulated him.

"That's not the only reason you look so happy," Twila said as he helped her pack up her office. "Someone had a really great weekend."

"I had the best weekend of my life." He told her briefly about him and Avery.

Twila gave him a hug and a kiss. "You special, precious man! You'll take such good care of that girl. I'm so happy for you!" she burst into tears.

Colby dug around until he found her tissues, handing her the box. She gave him another kiss. "Sorry. My hormones are so out of whack, I can't stand it. I cry a hundred times a day. Or I'm so damn horny.... Oh, I'm sorry, Colby! Way too much information!"

"No worries, Twila. I'm not upset by that kind of thing. Unless it's about me and how well, or badly, I performed. Then I might get upset."

"I can't imagine Avery having anything to say that wasn't complimentary."

"Thanks. Congratulations on the wedding, and the baby. Wayne is a hell of a lucky man to have you."

"Thank you, Colby! I like to hope so."

They worked longer on her office, nearly done by the time lunch rolled around.

"Colby, how would you feel about starting this job early?"

"How early?"

"Wednesday. I could use the extra time. I'm getting married Sunday. I told Jonas Friday because I thought he might farm out the job. Since you already know it, I don't have to train you. That would give me tomorrow to say goodbye and then you could take over as of Wednesday."

"If it's okay with Jonas, yeah."

"I'll talk to him. I don't think it will be a problem." She gave him another hug.

Colby's phone rang. It was Avery.

"You still coming home for lunch?"

"If you want me to."

"I have a magnificent feast laid out."

"Yeah? Does it include whipped cream?"

She snorted derisively. "No, it does not. However, it's delicious, and will make you very happy."

"Got the beer on ice?"

"Of course!"

"I'll be there in ten."

He took slightly longer, but still managed to hit mostly green lights. Avery wasn't in the living room when he walked in, but she was in the kitchen. She'd outdone herself with the meal, having prepared a lasagna, salad and garlic bread—with root beer.

©2021 Dellani Oakes

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. "...