Thursday, August 04, 2022

Game Junkies ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes ~ Part 45

Shortly after Colby's birthday, he came home one Friday evening, to find Stan and Alice there. Gavin and Xuan arrived a little while later. Despite questions, Avery wouldn't tell him anything until they were all there. As it turned out, it wasn't her news after all.

"I got a new job," Stan announced. "Alice put in a good word with mall security for me...."

"You're going to be a mall cop?" Gavin snorted rudely.

"No," Alice snapped. "He's in charge of upgrading the computer system and security systems for the store. We've had some thefts in the last few weeks, and the boss is determined to find out who's responsible. Since Stan is from outside the mall, he can do the work, and no one will have any idea it's him."

"Won't the security office know?" Gavin demanded.

"Yeah, I suppose," Stan said, shrugging. "Why?"

"What if it's someone there?"

"I'd already thought of that," Stan said. "I was hired by the mall owner to upgrade their equipment, and put in live feeds that some outside company will monitor."

"Cool! That's a hell of a job!" Gavin said, trying to be happy for his friend.

"The owner, Mr. Reiker, said I can bring in outside staff," Stan continued. "I know Colby and Xuan are too busy, but you aren't. I really need your help, Gav. No one can get around security systems like you. Will you help?"

"What? Me? Really?" His eyes teared and he looked ready to cry.

"Really. You're the best. No offense, Colb...."

"None taken. You're right, and we all know it. It sounds like a hell of a great opportunity."

"Mr. Reiker said if we do a good job, he can find us other ones. We could maybe start up our own security company, doing for alarm systems what Colby's company does for computers."

"Oh, that would be a fucking great job!" Gavin agreed. "Yeah, I'm in! Thank you for asking me, Stan."

"You're the first person I thought of," Stan replied honestly.

That got Gavin like nothing else. He'd worked hard for years, only to be fired, bullied and told he was stupid by more than one boss. To have someone think of him first, meant the world.

"I'm gonna cry like a girl!"

Each of the women gave him a sock in the arm, which he admitted he deserved. At least he didn't cry afterward.

"This is why we're celebrating," Avery said. "And Alice has an announcement, too."

"I just got promoted to assistant manager of Game Junkies!"

More congratulations were given. They ate too much, drank IBC like the world was coming to an end, and had a wonderful time playing more Cards Against Humanity.

"Who knew a few months ago, that we'd all be here together, acting like grown ups," Gavin said. "I have to admit, it feels kinda good."

"Yes, it does," Stan admitted. "And to think it all started because of Alice."

"Me?" she looked shocked.

"If I hadn't seen you in that store, talked to you, asked you out, none of this would have happened."

"I don't know about that," Avery said. "But it still brought us a good friend."

"That got the ball rolling," Colby said with a grin. "To Game Junkies!" he raised his bottle of IBC.

The friends raised theirs. "To Game Junkies!" They chorused.

©2021 Dellani Oakes


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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...