Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 12


No, he's not. I'm still trying to remember why I was attracted to her."

"Tequila goggles?"

"Partly. Though she's attractive. Not as pretty as you, but hot—in a very deadly way." He pulled out his phone, showing her a picture. "She does car commercials for dealerships. She goes all over the country."

"I've seen those. She's the one with that butt ugly dog!" Wynter jabbed the screen of his phone, making the picture change. "Oops, sorry. Hey, are those your brothers?"

"Yes. That's Clive on the right. Eagle on the left."

"Eagle? Another family name?"

"No. He fancies himself a shaman. His real name is Eric." He shook his head, smiling a little. "He's twenty-four, and trying to find himself."

"You didn't have that chance," she said softly.

"No. My life path was chosen for me."

"What did you want to do?"

"Be a drummer in a rock band."

"No kidding? Are you any good?"

"Yeah. I still play with a small band. We just get together for fun, blow off some steam. I also play with the jazz ensemble at church."

"What jazz can you possibly play at church?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "It's a misnomer, though we do play modern gospel. The prior priest named it the jazz ensemble, because the congregation didn't like the idea of rock music being played in church. Strangely, they didn't mind jazz?" He shrugged.

His phone rang. When he saw Clives's face on the screen, he answered. "Hiya, middle brother. Sup?"

"You want to know what's up? I want to know what's up! Why is Mom calling me, telling me I need to fly to your side? Are you sick, bro? Dying or something?"

Obi laughed a little harshly. "No. I broke up with Cieran last night."

"Well, thank God for that! I'll bring the mixers, you chill the vodka."

"I'm not home right now. I'm visiting a friend."

"Is she hot?"

He was so loud, Obi was sure Wynter could hear him.

"No, she's beautiful. Hot is for twenty year old, former prom queens, at a club."

"Pardon me for not knowing that, Older Brother. I'm still coming over."

"I'm not home right now. I've got to take Wynter to the hospital."

"Did you make the beautiful woman ill?"

"No. Her mom is sick. I was going to take her to dinner, then to the hospital."

"Change of plans. Booze and brats at your house."


"Not taking no."

Obi tried to protest, but Clive cut him off.

"No arguments, dude. I'm at the store, then I'm at your front door. If you aren't there, I'll let myself in and fire up the grill. Bring the beautiful woman. We'll eat. We'll drink. We'll sing rude songs."

"If the lady doesn't mind."

"Ask her. I'll wait."

"Booze and brats at my house? You can meet my younger brother, Clive."

"Eagle's coming too, only he's bringing some weird vegan crap, that no one else wants to eat."

"When did he go vegan?"

"Yesterday. Who knows? But he's bringing Sarah."

"Does he have to?"

"She's his soul mate, dude," he said in a very sarcastic tone.

"Yippee. Okay. What am I providing for this meal?"

"Coals and ice. And a bed, so I can pass out."

"Guest rooms are always made up. I bought new sheets."

"No more He-Man sheets? I'm so sad."

"Hanging up now."

"Get over to your house."

"On our way." He hung up. "I hope you don't mind. He's determined to cheer me up."

"I could use it, too."

"I promise not to drink so much that I can't take you to the hospital later."

"I trust you."

"Thank you. Got your bag packed?"

"Yes. I did that after I showered. I'm good to go."

"Excellent." He hopped up, washing the cups and saucers, placing them in the rack.

"I'm going to save this tea for later. One second." She poured the rest of the tea in a pitcher and tucked it in the fridge.

Obi put the cookies back in the box, placing them in the cupboard. They were done with their cleanup in less than five minutes.


"Yes. After you."

She set the alarm and locked up the house. Obi opened the car door. Thanking him, she got in.

Clive was just pulling up at his house, when they arrived. He had bags of food, which Obi helped him carry in. A few minutes later, Eagle arrived with a perky brunette. She was short, buxom and reminded Obi of a Barbie Doll. He'd never liked Sarah much, but she'd become a fixture of late. He hoped his brother would follow his usual track record, and break up with her after a couple more weeks. Eagle's longest relationship, to date, had been two months. He'd been with Sarah nearly three.

"Namaste," Eagle said, greeting them with prayer hands and a bow.

"Back at ya, bro," Clive said, shouldering past his younger brother.

"You could say hello to Sarah!" Eagle called after him.

"Hello to Sarah," Clive said over his shoulder, as he walked to the kitchen. "Whatcha drinkin'?" he asked Wynter, whom he'd met in passing, before Eagle arrived.

©Dellani Oakes 2023

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. "...