Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I Love Dialogue from Food Truck Hero by Dellani

Kier is just an average guy who owns a food truck. However, shortly after meeting Rowena, things take a more lively turn. First, there's a hostage situation he helps resolve. Then, they find someone watching his house. A few days later, he has to go to the bank, a regular thing at the end of a work day. Today, however, it comes with an unexpected—twist.

My tip jar was full again. Closing up, I put the cash in the safe and headed directly to the bank to make a deposit. I usually go home and get my car, but today I took the truck, parking in the supermarket lot that's adjacent to the bank. It's built on an out parcel of the grocery store.
Walking across to the bank, I got the sinking suspicion I was being watched. It was incredibly eerie and I didn't like it. Speeding up, I dashed to the bank door and swooped inside like hell was snapping at my heels. The tellers looked up, smiling and waving. One took me right away, as there wasn't a line. We'd just completed my transaction when the door opened and two armed men came in. Both toted shotguns and wore ski masks.
"Oh, for f*ck sake, really?" I yelled.
That got their attention and both of them turned to look at me.
"I've already had to deal with a hostage situation," I said loudly. "Do you know what a pain in the ass you guys are? Get a job like the rest of us!"
"What are you talking about?" one of them said.
His companion hissed at him to be quiet.
"The Starke and Howe hostage situation, I was the guy who walked in there, took out the gunman and rescued the hostages. Swear to God, you guys make me do that again, someone's gonna limp."
Unsure now, the gunmen exchanged furtive looks. I advanced, heedless of their weapons.
"I'm serious. I will put the world of hurt on you if you f*ck with me or any of these nice people. If you go now, I'm not gonna call the cop I have on speed dial and report you. Ten," I said, taking another step. "Nine, eight...."
Finally getting the right idea, they turned and ran. By that time, the cops were outside. An enterprising teller had hit the button while I distracted them.
"You lied, you son-of-a-bitch! You said you wouldn't call!" the first man yelled as he was cuffed.
"I didn't, you dick. I told you, don't f*ck with me. I've had a bad week."
"Were you really the guy?"
"Yeah. I was. He lost a couple teeth, be glad I didn't hit you, too."
"You're crazy, dude."
"I'm not the one trying to rob a bank. Dumb ass."
I had to hang around and give a statement. About half an hour later, Monroe showed up.
"Why are you at my crime scene?" she teased.
"Had a deposit to make. Guys came in. I took it personally."
Laughing, Lizbette Monroe gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Cut him loose. If we need more information, I have contact information. Thank you for helping us once again, Mr. Doyle."
"My pleasure, Captain."
Everyone in the bank clapped as I took my leave. Slightly shell shocked, I drove myself home. Rowena was waiting at the door. Running out to greet me, she gave me a kiss, then punched me in the gut.
"Are you insane?"
"I guess you heard."
"Heard? I saw it on TV! Someone filmed it on their phone and posted it. Not only that, the cops pulled the security footage and ran them side by side. Full dialogue, and all. If you were hoping for no press, you screwed the pooch! What were you thinking?" She hit me again, harder.
I grunted, taking a step back. "I was thinking—I've had enough. I couldn't deal with getting robbed on top of everything else."
"They could have shot you!"
"Yes, but I was counting on the element of surprise. Shock and Awe, right?" I chuckled.
© 2016 Dellani Oakes

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...