Thursday, January 19, 2017

Manuel Enriques, Confidential Aid to Governor Ferdinand Deza of St. Augustine

What is your story?
My story is still being written, but a portion of it is chronicled in Indian Summer by Dellani Oakes.
Who are you? Where do you live?
My name is Manuel Enriques and I am confidential aid to Governor Ferdinand Deza. I live in the beautiful town of St. Augustine in the Florida territory.
Are you the hero of your own story?
What is a hero? A man who does what he must to protect that which he holds dear. I am such a man. If that makes me a hero, then I accept this role gladly.
What is your problem in the story?
The problem is that there is a pesky British spy wandering around causing trouble. The beast is wily and sly, but I'll catch him, have no doubt.
Do you embrace conflict?
Conflict is in many forms. If it is in the form of a beautiful woman, I embrace and make love to it. If it is in the form of this annoying little fly speck of a spy, then I spit on it and grind it to dust beneath my heel.
Do you run from conflict?
Never! Face conflict proudly and fight it to the death.
How do you see yourself?
In my life, I have done many bad things. However, I am trying to change to be worthy of my darling Gabriella.
How do your friends see you?
I haven't many friends, but those are very close. They see me as strong, intelligent, passionate with women, stubborn and capable. How do you see me, cariña?
How do your enemies see you?
My enemies never see me. They are dead long before that. If by chance they do catch a glimpse, it is as of the face of death.
How does the author see you?
Ah, my beautiful Dellani. If it were not for Gabriella, such stories we would write together! She sees me as romantic, passionate, handsome, slightly dangerous, and very well appointed.
Well appointed?
You will have to read my tale to find out what I mean by that.
What do you think of yourself?
I am not a modest man, but even I do not like to brag. I am all that is said of me and more.
Do you have a hero?
Yes, my blood brother, Sailfish of the River People. He is the greatest warrior I know and even more brave than I.
What are your achievements? Do you talk about them?
That is perhaps not a question I should answer here, eh, cariña? As I said, I am not one to brag. What I have achieved is a matter of history. There are things I have done that I would rather forget.
But why? Surely your accomplishments are wide ranging and very nearly stuff of legend.
Not all legends have a happy ending. Some things are better left unsaid.
Do you have any special strengths?
I am swift, strong, I speak many languages fluently. I can track prey like an Indian and shoot a bow as well as a gun.
What do you want?
I want to marry Gabriella more than anything in the world. Well, there is perhaps one thing I want more than that, but it's not polite to discuss.
What do you want to be?
I am what I want to be. An honorable man who loves a beautiful woman. One day I shall also be a father, that is my greatest ambition.
What do you believe?
I believe in God and my strength and abilities.
What makes you happy?
Would you like to me say something poetic like a beautiful sunset or the seagulls above the water? I am not poetic man. What makes me happy is very simple, my love for Gabriella. It drives me, moves me to be the best I may be.
What, if anything, haunts you?
In a soldiers life, are there not many things to haunt him? What haunts me, cariña, is better left forgotten.
Do you keep your promises?
Always. It is a point of honor.
Are you honorable?
As much as I am able to be given circumstances.
That sounds like a very cagey answer.
And it is the only one you shall get.
Do you have any distinguishing marks?
Oh, yes. I am very well appointed.
You would love for me to ask what that means, wouldn't you?
No, I would like you to read the book and find out.
Have you ever killed anyone?
I was a soldier, of course I have killed. And nearly been killed more than once.
Was there a major turning point in your life?
The day I realized how much I love Gabriella. She was a mere child and came to the fort to ask her father to help her find a stray cat she had been feeding. I thought if she could have such love for a scrawny stray, perhaps she could have love in her heart for me. I found the cat and returned it to her the same day.
If you were stranded on a desert island, would you rather be stranded with, a man or a woman?
Can you really see me happily stranded with a man? I'll only go if Gabriella does.
How do you envision your future?
Happily married to my beloved.
© 2017 Dellani Oakes

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