Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I Love Dialogue from Under the Western Sky by Dellani

It's small town Nebraska in the late 1970's and life in the small Midwestern town is quiet and uneventful. That's what Libby Marshall and Bobby Menedez think until Bobby's cousin, Ramon is beaten by a group of white boys. Racial tension is high after the beating and it's soon revealed that something quite evil lies hidden Under the Western Sky.

Once they had their tickets and popcorn, they went into the theater and found a good spot. The boys liked to sit in the back because there was more leg room, but the girls liked the middle. To compromise, they sat somewhere between the two and let Danny have the aisle seat since his legs were the longest. Toni snuggled next to him as he put his arm around her shoulders. Libby sat next to her, not really looking at Bobby, although they shared the popcorn.
"Are you mad at me or something?" he asked her quietly, not wanting to bring their friends into it.
The others were so wrapped up in one another, they didn't hear him. Libby scooted a little closer, lowering her voice as she took a bite of popcorn.
"No, I'm not mad, Bobby. I'm just not sure I'm comfortable with this whole arrangement, that's all."
"We're a couple friends going to a movie. You got a full social calendar I don't know about?" He tried to make light of it, but his feelings were hurt.
Libby nudged him, nearly spilling the popcorn. "Don't be a goof. Of course not."
"I really like you, Libby. If you can't see that, I'm sorry."
"I thought maybe you were going out with me because of what Toni said to Danny. That she wouldn't go if I didn't have a date."
"All this time you thought that's what this was? A mercy date? Baby, I think you're the greatest!"
"You do? For real?"
"Yeah, for real. Hey, would I make comments about your ass if I didn't think you were cute?"
"I dunno, you're a guy. I mean, Danny's always drooling over my tits."
"Danny's a goober. He drools over any tits he can see. You have to admit, you're killing us both with the no bra thing."
She looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "I'll remember you said that, Roberto."
"What, are you my mom? You have to scold me into behaving? I want to date you, Libby. If I wanted just to jump your bones, I'd have done that already. You know, some women actually find me very attractive."
She giggled, tossing her hair. "Yeah, I can see the appeal. You've got that whole Latin Lover thing going. The dark hair and bedroom eyes. You're cute, for sure."
"Then why won't you let me kiss you?"
She looked at the screen as the movie started. By the set of her shoulders, he could see that she didn't know how to respond. Taking a chance that he was right, he blundered on.
"Is it because all this time you thought I didn't really like you? How could I not? You're wonderful. I've had a thing for you like—forever," he whispered as the cartoon started.
Libby gave him a curious stare as the lights dimmed, her popcorn halfway to her mouth. She couldn't believe his admission was real. He didn't really want her, did he? He was taking her out so Toni would go with his best friend. That's what friends did for one another. Was he kidding? She was too inexperienced to tell.
Libby knew a lot of girls her age had already lost their virginity. She and Toni were among the few left in their graduating class who had never been with a guy. If Danny got his way, that was going to change and soon. He was so hot for Toni, he got a boner every time he talked to her. Bobby, on the other hand, couldn't possibly mean it. Or did he?
© 2016 Dellani Oakes 

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...