Saturday, January 07, 2017

Red River Radio Presents Dellani's Tea Time with Barbara and Karen

The New Year is upon us! As we've done for the last few years, Christina and I will chat with a couple of our other Red River Radio hosts, Barbara Ehrentreu and Karen Vaughan. Tune in Monday, January 9 at 4PM EST or catch our recorded podcast later.

BarbaraEhrentreu is the author of If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor and After. She has also penned a lovely book called You'll Probably Forget Me: Living With and Without Hal.

KarenVaughan is the author of eight cozy mysteries, among them Left for Dead, Dead on Arrival, Dead Men Don't Swing and Dead Comic Standing.

Co-host, Christina Giguere, known by her nom de plume of Rachel Rueben, will also chat about her work. She is the author of young adult novel, Hag. She also has a wonderful vampire novel, Eternal Bond, available to read on WattPad.

Host Dellani Oakes is the author of 12 published books – mostly romantic suspense, but 4 of them are from a science-fiction series set in the distant future. Dellani's most recent book is Lone Wolf Tales: A Lone Wolf Series Companion, a collection of short stories connected with the Lone Wolf series.

Each author will talk about her show, her goals as an author and how she feeds her writing addiction. Be sure to tune in on Monday, January 9at 4 PM EST for this fun filled show.

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Old Time Religion ~ A Love in the City Romance by Dellani Oakes – Part 51

Mrs. Bannister bustled in a couple minutes after Obi and Clive arrived. "Thank goodness you're here," she said to Clive. ...